Sound POWER vs Sound PRESSURE - what's the difference?
Most the folks we work with are not acoustical consultants. But most of the projects are influenced by the sound that equipment creates. ...

United CoolAir - Minimizing Install Time & Costs @ Custom House Boston
Quick installation of commercial self-contained units at the Custom House in Boston, MA

Understanding AHRI 920-2015 and MRE (Moisture Removal Efficiency)
Understanding the basics of ANSI/AHRI 920-2015: Performance Rating of DX-Dedicated Outdoor Air System Units ASHRAE realized that standard...

Dedicated Heat Recovery Chillers (DHRC)
Dedicated Heat Recovery is not a new topic. In 2003 ASHRAE published an article detailing the technology and advantages of dedicated...

Using Modular Chillers in Variable Flow Applications
Modular chillers offer a unique set of advantages to conventional machines - which we'll cover in a future post. The focus here will be...

Helpful Equations Part 1
Here are a few helpful equations that we've found helpful through the years. Future posts will build on this list, and the back of our...

How does a rawal valve or hot gas bypass work?
In some cases, it benefits the system to incorporate some means of false-loading on the compressors. Both Rawal valves and Hot Gas...